Speaking - Church and Leadership Groups

10:19 PM

For Church Groups or Leadership Retreats:

God’s Gift to You – This message talks about the unique ways God has created each one of us, and how to find your specific gifts and abilities.  For those who struggle with insecurity or fear about stepping out in new areas, Jaimie shares helpful examples of lives touched by those who dared to let God use them. 

A Father You Can Trust – A Father’s Day message geared towards both men and women,
Jaimie teaches on the Father heart of God, and how we can put our trust and faith in Him, even when our earthly father’s may have failed us

Love More, Fear Less – This message talks about the two strongest emotions parents face: love and fear.  Listeners will be encouraged through hearing from Matthew 6: 25-34 and taught strategies for how to fear less, and love their children more. (Download Audio)

Past Messages:

Detours- (Download Audio)

Surrender –  (Download Audio)

Resting in the Busy Seasons of Life - (Download Audio)

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